Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Introduction to CHAOS

We're attracted to brilliance. Be it intelligence, lights, glimmering shiny things - brightness makes us feel safe and secure. It's desirable. However, like an ordinary light bulb, or an LED, or gem, or scientist, the practicality of brilliance is limited to its superficial value. The more another can gain from this beacon of fulfillment, the more valuable the entity is. Dim the brilliance, through malfunction, through marring or tarnishing, distance or opacity, and that value rapidly diminishes. Brilliance is energy. Energy is life. That which dims brilliance is ultimately perceived as a threat to survival, and must be instinctively avoided. Like a wounded bird abandoned by its flock.

Excuse the poetic nature of my first paragraph in this newly minted blog, but I couldn't help myself.

I've chosen to begin this because:

  1. I solved a complex issue myself, and feel others will benefit from my experience
  2. Raise awareness of a subject that receives nearly zero attention
  3. Find out how many "me too"'s are out there
  4. Change a few things that aren't right
Oh, right, about me. I'm geeky. So it'd be a disservice to not include the following announcement.

Hello World!

See, in the future here, with frameworks and clouds, code is obsolete, thus the previous line is valid standalone code. For humans. This code will work as expected even if you're impaired and running a Human OS Emulation Device, or since geeks love acronyms, HOSED.

Relevantly (a word I cannot spell correctly for the life of me), I happen to find myself at the mercy of HOSED hardware. I broke some critical systems, whose functions have been diligently compensated for by other systems, until those too were compromised. With ever increasing error counts and FEC's and CRC's and a thousand other data corruption stats, a critical stop would obviously be inevitable. Kernel panic. Face pale like a blue screen. Cold hardware. Yea.

Loving the geeky crypto. I'm inside, writing this, watching people splash and play in the beautiful, lavish community pool, where I too would be. Alas, I can't. I've been seriously compromised, from a physiological standpoint. It'd be not only improper, but dangerous, to myself, to partake in such fun, relaxing activities. I'll be there, soon enough.

What happened? For the second half of my life (I'm not quite 40, but I look and feel 20-some), antioxidants like Vitamin C were a staple supplement of my diet. Eventually, I added a bit more, multivitamins, drank more V8, ate more health foods, etc, though still drank and ate plenty of snacks! Not a lightweight drinker either, then at least. I moved to Austin, TX somewhere in there. What I hadn't known was that my overall antioxidant capacity was already pretty high, nor did I know that central Texas allergies were also very high. Who cares though? Antioxidants are good for you, says They, and I didn't have allergies.. just a mildly annoying acne-ish issue that seemed hardly unusual.

Unusually, that issue persisted. Five years later, I'm having allergenic fungus scraped out of my sinuses, filled like expanding foam. Wait, sorry, that's a bit much to jump to without some lead-in. Well, yea, Texas got me good.

The kicker was what followed. Progressive degeneration of superficial and internal health over the next 5 years. Saw a bunch of docs and specialists. Lots of dead ends and misdirection. Eventually learned my fate was dependent upon myself taking charge. And so I learned medicine, immunology, pathology, and other -ology's. Inherently, I'm phenomenal at troubleshooting. As such, before the floor dropped out, I got paid the big bux. Six-digit salary and perks and whatnot. Brilliance recognized.

Unknown to me, there was a saboteur amidst. A nefarious entity hiding in plain sight - also touted for its brilliance. My dietary best friend was actually my worst enemy. This entity would be antioxidants. The resulting effect of the sabotage would be immunological disaster, compromising brilliance. 6-digit salary becomes a 2-year unpaid rabbit hole of medical research. I'd given up, almost. Having someone that cares for you more than anything keeps the strings attached. My troubleshooting did not fail me. I had a truly Eureka moment. Science commences!

So anyway, that's where we begin. I'll detail why's and what's, go in explanations and reasoning, in further posts. A marvel is ready to be unearthed. But if you need a spoiler now, take a literary perusal at the original article I authored for Wikipedia.

Until next time, Realize CHAOS.

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